Project Overview
UX Design
Golden Village is Singapore's leading cinema exhibitor with 13 multiplexes housing 104 screens. It started as a joint venture between Orange Sky Golden Harvest of Hong Kong and Village Roadshow of Australia. The aim of the project is to identify usability issues on the current Golden Village Website and Mobile Application, redesign the existing pain points and improve on the overall user experience.
My role on this project was to research on the current user behavior on the Mobile application and propose a new design that streamlines the movie booking process.

Streaming services have been gaining popularity and causing a dip in cinema attendance. The pandemic further accelerated the impact on the film and cinema industry. Movie distributions were disrupted and cinemas are closing worldwide.
Our focus is to boost cinema attendance by increasing the number of ticket sales as well as the other transactions that take place in the entire cinematic experience.

Usability problems discovered based on heuristics evaluation conducted on the mobile application.
Usability test was conducted on the current mobile application to identify where the usability issues are.

We interviewed 8 users to understand their goals, expectations and frustrations when it comes to deciding and booking a movie. Here are some of the key insights we gathered from the interviews.
Furthermore, F&B, promotions and movie merchandise are some other features we expect users to browse through. The findings would help us in our process of ideating a solution for the redesign.
Usability Test Tasks:

After every task, participants were post a single ease question(SEQ) on the ease of task completion. At the end of the test, they were asked to rate the overall usability of the system on the system usability scale(SUS). These results form the basis of how we validate our designs in the later part of the project.
From the observations we had during the test, we categorize our findings into pluses & deltas to further help us understand what are the usability issues that participants are really facing.

2nd Persona:
The one who is still deciding

1st Persona:
The one who knows what he wants

Who is facing the problem?
To summarize our research, we developed 2 user personas to prioritize our design efforts on solving the users' problem and to align the team's focus. The personas are the two main archetypes of users who purchase movie tickets online.
When does the user faced the problem?
From the persona created, we established that Jamie faced frustrations in the product discovery and booking process phase in the customer journey map.
As someone who needs to get things done fast, Jamie faced too much obstacles when finding cinemas showing his desired movies and selecting seats.

Similarly for Bobbie, in addition to the frustrations users faced from the product discovery phase and booking phase, the users discontentment starts from the planning phase.
There were insufficient useful information available for Bobbie to make a quick and easy decision.

Where does the user faced the problem?

Based on Nielsen's Heuristics, we identified usability problems that users may faced on the mobile application, in terms of visual or interaction, and gave each of them a severity rating. The severity rating depends on the frequency, persistency and impact of the problem. We prioritized which problem we want to tackle first based on its severity rating.
How we solved this problem?
A final usability test was conducted to further improve the prototype based on our observations and data collected. You can interact with version 2 of the prototype below.
Only minor cosmetic changes was done for the final version of the prototype. You can interact with the final version of prototype below.
With the research findings, we ideated on the possible solutions with sketches and wireframes. Using this lo-fi prototype, another round of usability testing was conducted with the same tasks to test if the new solution was an improvement compared to the current mobile application.
You can interact with version 1 of the mobile prototype below.
The carousel below exhibit the changes we made to version 2 of prototype. The design system was implemented at this phase as we transit into a high-fidelity prototype.

Based on results gathered post-usability test, there were improvements for all across all 5 task. The overall product rating improved from Good to Excellent as shown by the System Usability Scale score.
Thus, validating that our redesign of the mobile application was successful in solving usability problems in the current mobile app and fulfilled our aim in streamlining the movie booking process.
View Final prototypeThis was the first UX Design project that I have completed being part of a team. It was challenging initially as everyone has a different working style and a different approach in solving a problem. Compared to working alone, more time was spent deciding on which approach we should take as to be expected when working in a team. However, it was refreshing to see the problem from so many different perspectives and it also because of this reason that the solution we came up with was more holistic.
Despite of our differences, our goals were aligned and the final product was of a higher quality than the first two solo projects that I have done. Ultimately, it was a great experience working with my team mates. I learnt a lot from each and everyone of them. Thanks Shuchita, Daniel and Tyler!
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